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Also check the citywide resource site with COVID-19 updates:

St. Austin’s Catholic Church

2026 Guadalupe St, 512 477 9471

Passing out snacks, bus passes, and hygiene kits on Thursdays from 9am to 10am or until items run out, depending on volunteer capacity.

All Saints Episcopal Church

209 W 27th Street, 78705


Tuesday @ 7am – sign-in for first come, first served. Capital Metro bus pass. Get there EARLY, some arrive as early as 5 am.


Community Care Centers

Call for day/times and location of services. Staff screen patients for eligibility for various types of transportation vouchers (bus passes, yellow cab vouchers, etc)

Locations: Blackland 512-972-5790

E. Austin: 512-972-6650

Montopolis: 512-972-5710

S. Austin: 512-972-6840

St. John’s: 512-972-5159


Trinity Center

304 E. 7th Street, 78701

Monday-Tuesday at 9:30 — 7-day Capital Metro passes for men and women, first-come, first-served. One-day passes as long as they last.


Rides for Seniors

Gives free rides to seniors within Austin with advance notice.

Also check the citywide resource site with COVID-19 updates:

We Need Your Support Today!

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